Bap - Korean Rice Dishes

Rice is at the center of every Korean meal, with very few exceptions.
These recipes express the variety and beauty of the most important grain in Korean cuisine.

gogumabap lightbox

Gogumabap - 고구마밥

sweet potato rice

hoedeopbap lightbox

Hoedeobap - 회덮밥

raw fish with rice and vegetables

gimbap lightbox

Gimbap - 김밥

seaweed rice rolls

patbap lightbox

Patbap - 팥밥

rice with red beans

bibimbap lightbox

Bibimbap - 비빔밥

rice mixed with vegetables, meat, an egg, and chili pepper paste

yubuchobap lightbox

Yubuchobap - 유부초밥

fried tofu stuffed with rice

danhobakbap lightbox

Danhobakbap - 단호박밥

sweet pumpkin rice